Meaning of Home

My home makes me feel loved when my family is with me. My home is dwelling full with my moms really good baking. My home makes me feel warm and cozy. My family brings me lots of comfort at home. They are there for me when I am feeling down. There is nothing better than family comfort. LOVE My home has family in it where there is a lot of love. Love makes me feel safe without anything disturbing. MOM’S BAKING I feel safe when I come downstairs smelling my mom’s wonderful baking knowing God is with me. COZY My family makes me feel safe in my warm, cozy, loving, awesome home! A home is full of love and kindness and that's exactly mine!!! What does your awesome home feel like to you?


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi