The meaning of a home

The meaning of a home is to have a sturdy shelter that you can live in. A home could be anything that you call a shelter. It could be a house, a mansion, an apartment or anything. A home should make you feel happy and loved. What I'm about to show you is what a home gives to me. H. Hope. A home should give you hope in yourself. O. Open. A home should make you open to other people's feelings. M. More. A home should make you want to learn more about everything. E. Everybody. A home should make you feel for everybody. It doesn't matter what the inside or outside looks like, as long as it's a shelter it counts as a home. A home gives people a place to live and to seek shelter if a natural disaster happens. Also, my home wouldn't be a home without my parents. And what a home gives me is a place to express my emotions and a place to live. One of my favorite memories is when I was outside and there was so much snow that I could go sledding down my deck staircase. I made a ramp and launched like two to three feet in the air. Also, dial it back a bit to when you read about the natural disaster part. I'm about to tell you a true story about a fire. I was minding my own business when my mom told me that there was a forest fire!!! So we rushed home, gathered some things and got outta there. We stayed at my grandmother's house for ONE WEEK. I was living the dream because there was no school for a week, but I was worried about my home so much .


4 Année

Upper Tantallon, Nouvelle-Écosse

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