Meaning of Home

What is the difference between a house and a home Well a home is warm with love and a house is cold as stone The houses living room has pink fluffy insulation but my homes living room has lots of love and kind conversation The Kitchen in a house has a stove, fridge and an oven that's metallic-looking But a home’s kitchen is for making Beautiful memories and delicious cooking. The basement might not feel very welcoming and you might not want to stay But at home that's where all the little children play. At a house the bedrooms are just for storing your things and safekeeping But at my home it's for having fun, doing crafts and sleeping The closet is full of a lot of memories maybe even the dress you wore when you were But at a house it's just full of things that sits there like stuff that doesn't fit in the At my home the backyard is a place to see the cows in the field Not a place to feel uncomfortable and feel like you have to yield And the porch is for parents and family to gather and chat Not a place to uncomfortably eat a snack I know at my home Im warm and comfy and I feel safe to be clumsy At a home I feel stiff And like I'm going to fall of the uncomfortable cliff I want people to feel that to live in Home and guess what, that's what Habitat for Humanity does! They make Homes for people who are less fortunate! Always remember, “ A house is built of walls and beams but a home is built of love and dreams!” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi