A House Is Not A Home

A house is a building with windows and walls but a home Is a place for dreams of love and all. A house made by beams and a roof But a home is made of love. A house with an entryway has closets and coats but a home's entryway has lots of memories of running children and coming home with the feeling of warmth. A house's kitchen has a fridge and oven but a home's kitchen has Food and a table for family to gather around. A house with a living room has a couch and pillows but a home's living room is a warm space to talk and cuddle. A house's closet has old clothes and old toys but a home's closet has memories and love. A house's bedroom has a bed and windows but a home's bedroom is welcoming and safe. A house's basement might be creepy but a home's basement has a comforting place to watch movies all day long. I am so glad that Habitat for Humanity makes homes for people and not houses because people might not be able to have a home and just a house isn't a safe place like a home. A house is made of beams and walls but a home is made of dreams and love - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi