What Home Means To Me

Chapter 1: The news One day in 2016 or so my mom walks in my room with a nervous and sad face and she says “Miller we are moving”. My face turned slowly from happy to sad. Then my mom sits beside me and says “you will make new friends”. “But what if I don't?” I replied. My mom hugs me then my dad says “you will make new friends I'm sure but if you want to you can still go to Sundre school.” Chapter 2 :The Farm House I was pretty shocked to hear the news because our farm house was really fun. I had some really good memories there like when I got my french bulldog and many more great memories! My favourite memory there was either getting a french bulldog or riding my dirt bike without training wheels for the first time. Overall the house I'm at is fun because I can have friends over at my house now! Chapter 3: The Raven House So after we moved in we got free pizza for some apparent reason. Anyway, we get in and get sorted and wowee that's a good backyard and the best part… FREEDOM! The house is also pretty good and comfy. I really liked the house until… Chapter 4:The Finale The last house is the Didsbury house! It's fun, cozy and it's really cool! The best part is I can have friends over but I miss the farm house because I had great memories there. Thank you Habitat for Humanity for building homes for families and people who need them. You are great!


5 Année

Didsbury, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi