The Meaning of Home
Home is as safe as a shelter of love. Home is the place you know where to get things! “Mom, can you please get me a glass of water?” Home is a place to put your stuff in. Home is a yummy meal waiting for you! Home is your secret stash of chocolate on the 7th shelf! Home is a cozy corner with your favorite stuffed bunny on it. Home is a movie night with buttery popcorn. Home is important for everybody, it is safe with family and love.
Home is peaceful. Home is cleaning the dishes on the weekend. Home is a playdate with your best friend tomorrow. Home is a bubble bath with extra bubbles if you're lucky! Home is a kiss before bed and your family saying "Good night sweet pea!" And home means something to everybody. Home means so much more if your home has a roof so you don't get cold.
Home is a joyful song. Home is Love.
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