One of the Lucky Ones

Oh, hi there! My name is Ainsley Cadegan and I would love to tell you all about what a home means to me. You're probably thinking oh that's easy, furniture. No not at all! Furniture is not even close to what a home means to me. It might be comfortable and all, but there's so much more to a home. So starting right this second, I'm going to tell you what a home means to me. A home has love that gets carried around from city to city. It has memories like when all three of your teenagers graduate. Or you take your first steps there, memories that stay in that exact house for as long as you can remember. This next one is one of my favorites, Family. Having a family in your home is a true gift. I am very lucky to have a family because not all human beings have one. But something really special about the home that I know, is that I will remember it as the type of home I described above - one filled with family memories, like taking my first steps and graduating. Next, a home is filled with happiness. You probably already know what it means for a home, everyone is happy. Well you are correct. But in my opinion I think happiness is a little more than that. For example you come home from dance class and you tell your mother, “guess what?” She responds, “what”? Then you tell her, “I just learned how to do a front handspring!” She gets happy for you and jumps up and down. That's happiness. I already know what you're thinking. How does that involve a home? Well I'm going to tell you. You learned all of that stuff in dance class but… all that happiness took place in your home. When I think of home, I think of comfort, my two loving siblings, and my parents. Home is the smell of my mom. Because my home smells beautiful. Home sounds like my dad singing silly songs and being a loving, silly dad who yells about blueberries not belonging in the fridge. My home looks like a dreamland of laughter and a family who welcomes everyone to our space. My home feels grateful and my grandparents feel happy when they visit and give us big hugs. Home feels like breathing fresh, clean air while curled up in my cozy comforter when I sleep. Home tastes like refreshing fruit with a healthy home cooked meal that my loving parents made. Home is a place where I practice sports and learn new skills with my siblings in the yard. Bouncing on a trampoline with my neighbors and friends, while we belly laugh. Home is comfort, love, friends, family teaching one another courage, strength and bravery. My whole family is loyal to me in my home and I am loyal to them. Home is where I can relax and feel safe. Snuggling with your family and watching movies. That is what a home means to me.


4 Année

Sydney, Nouvelle-Écosse

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