What Home Is To Me

I often think of home being warm and cozy. I also think of home being loud and hectic. Home for me is often stressful. I know I'm loved in many different ways but I feel like I'm not heard enough. My voice is often silenced. I know it might not be like this but that's how I feel. Home is supposed to feel safe. I know home is where you're loved and I know that I'm loved but I feel ignored. I have many different feelings while at home. I often feel a lot of sadness because I’m always blamed for things my siblings do.I often feel a mix of emotions; mostly happy but sometimes sad/mad. My home is where I get recognized for my hard work. We have to do chores but I feel like that's normal. We get paid for doing chores. I would like to acknowledge my beautiful home. I know not all kids have what I have and want to help by writing about my home.


5 Année

Medicine Hat, Alberta

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