What is a home?

What is a home? A home is a place where you can share memories and make friends, do you have a HOME? If you didn't realize a home and a house are two different things, a home is only a home if you make it one. When you move into your house (soon to be home) it is EMPTY, until you make memories and after a while you will have so many friends and amazing moments you will absolutely love having a HOME. After a while you will have big communities, happy family and friends and multiple pictures on the wall. And that is what you call a home. Every night you go to sleep think of a way that YOU can make your home (and someone else's) even greater then it already is. You will make a lot of memories and special moments. Now the day is over And the lights are off since you had such a good day today make it an even better one tomorrow if you have a HOUSE make it a HOME now you know the difference between a house and a home.


6 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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