The Meaning Of Home

Home to me is a safe haven to talk about your doubts and your feelings, and you are not held back at home. You don't need to act a certain way because of embarrassment and you are free to talk how you want, act how you want and not feel anxiety, or envy, etc. Home is smiles. Home is love and home should be kind. A house is strong but a home shows true emotional strength. The best thing about home is there are NO downsides to home UNLESS YOU MAKE THEM!!! Home is YOUR decision to make it nice or not, and that is what happens a LOT to a LOT of people! Including me. Please make your home enjoyable to a lot of kids, parents, and YOU. The adults can make it dark on the inside BUT make it look good on the OUTSIDE. Make it good on the inside and outside - “outside doesn't really matter” - and then you have a perfect house or home. Remember, home can be good or bad if you make it. You can share the same joy I just described with HABITAT FOR HUMANITY!!! You can help MILLIONS. Of. People. With one click on the donation button you can help a person get that HOME THEY DESERVE!!!! Think About how nice that is.


5 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi