Meanings of Home and why Everyone Deserves one
In my personal opinion, I think every person deserves a home because having a safe and warm place to stay it’s just something that every human needs. First, a home is a place that has easy access to clean water to have good hygiene. Second, a home provides a safe place to relax at the end of a long day and a place of privacy. Last, a home also provides warm food or just food in general. Food is just a basic human need to have. Without a home people would feel like they are less than human and everyone deserves a second chance.
Having a home is something not everyone has but everyone deserves. Everyone, no matter where you come from or what race you are or gender, every person on the planet deserves somewhere to stay, and a place to call home. A home is a place that can be shared with the people you love most and home can be anywhere or anything. Home is not just a house, it's a place where you can feel loved and that people care about you. For example my dad is a person that I like to spend most of my time with. In that summer we like to go swimming. He is the reason I even know how to swim and I am grateful that I have a person who took the time to spend their time with me.
A safe and comforting home environment is very important. A safe home environment to me is having a bed to sleep in at night and a place that is warm and not having to worry about freezing at night time or someone trying to steal your belongings while you're sleeping. In my home what makes me feel safe is being with the people I love most and being able to talk to someone if I need to. That is what makes me feel safe. I still remember the day I moved into the house I currently live in now and how much I missed my old house and I didn't wanna live there
but now i wouldn’t wanna live anywhere else. The sound of my mom blasting Christmas music in november and the smell of the old plastic on every single decorating making me feel dizzy, that overwhelming feeling of the holidays coming closer and closer, driving to the store at 8:00 in the morning with my grandpa trying to get “the good stuff” for the holidays even though it’s all gone.
One of my favorite memories I have made in my home is baking christmas cookies with my family and we made a HUGE mess and I had to clean it up but at the end we made a good memory and had fun all together. A home provides a pantry full of food for you to enjoy and so many people take for granted because once it’s gone you will start to miss being able to sit around a table and eat with your family. Everyone deserves to have that. I remember another time when my friend was late to my house and I didn't eat until she came to my house because I wanted to enjoy my meal with her and I was STARVING. I felt like I was dying. I can't even imagine having to do that every night.
In conclusion everyone deserves a place to call home, a place to come home to relax after a long day or the warmth of a hug from my mom and dad. Houseless people don't get these same opportunities as us. There are SO MANY things we take for granted like me personally when I have friends over my brother and sister like to hide under my bed for A VERY LONG TIME even though i know there going to do it I never looked under my bed to see if there under my bed because in a way I find it funny. No matter how much my siblings annoy me or my friend, I would miss all the annoying things they do. And those are the reason that everyone deserves a home.
In conclusion everyone deserves a place to call home, a place to come home to relax after a long day or the warmth of a hug from my mom and dad. Houseless people don't get these same opportunities as us. There are SO MANY things we take for granted like me personally when I have friends over my brother and sister like to hide under my bed for A VERY LONG TIME even though i know there going to do it I never looked under my bed to see if there under my bed because in a way I find it funny. No matter how much my siblings annoy me or my friend, I would miss all the annoying things they do. And those are the reason that everyone deserves a home.
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