Meaning of Home.

Home, a place not too small, not too big, just enough to have happiness and memories for everyone. A home is not just a roof over your head, it’s where you grow up and learn how to be you. First time getting to know your parents is something unforgettable and cherishing moments you have in a home but not a house. Just getting a happy family is all you can ask for, not money, not being rich, just times you can never forget. Money can’t buy you a happy family for the rest of your life because happy moments matter the way you act, the way you talk and the way you give. When you look at another house, nothing is better than being home where you find joy in a happy family. Every house has something special, but every home has one thing in common and that is a family. Family can forgive and so can friends and cousins that love you. Stepping in a friend’s house could never be a home to you, because you don’t know their parents as much as you know yours. At the end of the day everyone goes home and has dinner with their family, and talks about their day. Kids go to school, parents go to work, and when the sun goes down parents go home and so do kids. We all have different lives, we all have different thinking, we all have different families. Only a happy family has caring kids. If you want a happy family then be kind, be polite and be helpful. Do something to have a happy family. Parents may yell but they do care, parents try to tell you that helping other is kind, and when you do, they’ll feel like they have finished a goal and you will be a kind person for this world. Lies, lies are things you make up so you don’t get yelled at, or get in trouble with your parents. You could tell thouands of lies but each lie hurts inside, our parents may not know that your lying but you are still scared they'll know. Sadness is something everyone avoids, but happiness is something wished for. When sadness comes your parents will help, don’t keep it inside tell them what you need, tell them what happened. Sibling, sibling is a part of you, because they care even if they are younger, they have a heart and they may see the sadness inside you but maybe you can’t,think about how many times you needed them. For the older sisters, you carry the emotion of the family on your back, and you are like the second mother in the family. For the older brothers, you may not be around but your family will feel your absence, the older brother will have his own life one day. As a kid you wanted to be a grown up, but when you're an adult you just want to be a kid again.


4 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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