What home means to me

My home is like a warm blanket wrapped around me. And lots of laughter and joy at the dinner table. Mixed with lots of dinosaur fights upstairs. We have a golden retriever that gives us lot of snuggles in the day. And a crusted gecko that gives us snuggles at night. No matter what size or shape your house is it’s a home to you. My home is by a beach and a forest so we can go on a walk. But my home really feels like a safe place to life and thrive. My home is warm and safe and loved. And yours is to.


5 Année

Campbell River, Colombie-Britannique

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi