What Home Means To Me

Home is a heaven on Earth. Home is where I live with my lovely family. I have very nice parents that take care of me and my sister. At home I play my favorite online game called Fortnite and study with my sister. Every weekend my whole family spends quality time watching movies and we all have dinner together. Home is a place where I find peace, calmness, and comfort. It is also a place where there is no bullying. My home is not just an apartment or a building, it is very special and also sometimes overwhelming. I can be myself more when I’m in my home compared to when I am outside. In my home everyone works together no matter what type of work it is. Me and my family’s favourite thing to do together is cooking. The special essence of my home always comforts me. Each of my family members play an important role to make our home feel like home, also a home can’t be completed without a family, and it can’t be compared to anything else. It is also where I feel the safest. and the feeling of it can’t be found anywhere else. When we go for a vacation or a trip we don’t feel the same as we feel in our home, and the feeling of coming back to our home and its comfort just cannot be expressed. I LOVE MY HOME AND MY FAMILY. 🥰 ❤️ BY UZAIZ: Habitat for humanity.


4 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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