Home for Me
Home is to me is the laughter of my family. And the feeling of the warmth of the strong but gentle embrace of my dad.The smell of my mother or father cooking something that smells amazing it fills me up with joy.Home is the freedom of love and play.
Home is to me the love that you can share to all those ho are less fortunate then I. Home is the trees home is the grass home is nature. If the world is perfect then there is nothing wonder about .
Home is to me the right to be however you want to be and the right to love however you want to love.Home is to me not being judged by the colour of your skin it always seems impossible until it is done.
Home is the warm wind on my face and the hot sand at my feat. I go to Greece every year for a hand pan festival. I feel so joyful because I feel loved Ps a hand pan is a large meal drum .
Home is to me the love in the air around Valentine’s Day and the excitement of the gifts. Just say home is anything you want it to be.
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