What Home Means to Me!!!!
Home is where all of your memories and love are, home means way more than just a house, home is where you live for years and years, home is where you feel comfortable and relaxed, home is where you are safe. Everything that happened in my life was from that little cozy home. I bet for all of you who are reading this right now home means a lot to you, just like to me and to everyone else, right? Home is very important and special in your life , without home you can't do almost anything. Eat in your little cute kitchen table , watch some movie on your iPad/phone /laptop/TV it is a very good feeling. Home is where you feel cozy, and I am really grateful for the little cute and cozy home I have now! Home is where you also feel yourself and you can be yourself ;). Home is where you feel safe and where no one can get your phone and you. Even sometimes I still remember when my mom was mad at me at my favourite house. I love my house a lot because it is where I feel love and I have a lot of memories, I bet all of you at least have a couple great memories from their cute cozy homes. Home keeps me safe from everyone (except my mom) and everything (except my cats), I am also grateful for my home a lot because it's also really fun to go in my home with my friends and play in there , there is also a lot of memories with my friends and my favourite family. I am really grateful for my home and all love and memories I had and I have in it now!!! There is no more space to write and I have no more time but I love my home and you should love and respect yours. Be grateful for your home and remember and how much memories you had there before>:<
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