Meaning of Home

Home. When I think about home, I think about when I walk through my blue back door to enter my house, I feel comfort and joy. As I walk in through the doorway, I enter to this extraordinary aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip muffins intricately set on the cooling rack, cooling, waiting for me to eat with ease. I walk a few meters into my dining room. A room for me and my family to gather in the late afternoon to eat a delicious meal and to unload our worries and thoughts of the day. I exit the dining room and enter the living room. A room to feel comforted by snuggling up in the corner of the couch with the dog coming up to snuggle by my feet, warming them up. I walk up the twisty-turny staircase. I have made it up to the second layer. I turn to the right and I enter me and my little sister's room. A room where we talk and talk though the night. Until we fall asleep. I exit my bedroom, and I enter my little brother's room. It is quite a messy room. I shift my way around all of the stuffies and Legos all over the floor. I walk back down the twisty-turny staircase, through the living room and through the kitchen. I’m back to where my life all started. I think I might be the luckiest kid in the world.


6 Année

Woodstock, Nouveau-Brunswick

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