What is Home

To me home is a feeling not a place. The sound of the tea kettle on the stove. The feeling of the warmth radiating off my cat. The shadow and noise of my cat walking though the hallway. The sound of the breeze coming through my window. The chirps of the birds outside, and the sun shining though the big window. The kitchen is a fun place to be. The delightful aroma of freshly made food strait from the oven. The sound of the pitter patter of cat paws hoping for a piece of meat. The big table that we eat meals. The living room is where family games are played, and the family reunites. The living room and kitchen are very fun places to be. My bedroom is where memories are made, some good and some bad. The bedroom is where friends go to play and I can rest, make memories and most importantly, be myself. Out on the porch where summer days are spent, more memories are made like when I first met my beautiful cat. Home is where family and friends reunite. Home is very important to me and my family because home is where you should feel safe not scared. But most importantly home is where ideas expand, and emotions burst. And so, the real meaning of home is a place that you should feel loved. Home will always be important to you and your family.


6 Année

Woodstock, Nouveau-Brunswick

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