Meaning of Home

Home. It’s not something you can touch, nor something you can just grab with your hands. It’s something that you grab with your heart. Home is not rough bricks, or hard walls, or sturdy floors. And- brace yourself- it’s not your house. But enough about what home isn’t, because I’m typing this to say what home IS. Home. . . well, it’s basically your happy place. It’s the place where you feel good. Home doesn’t have to be at your house. You can feel at home wherever you are. Say, when you’re visiting your grandma, or when you’re going grocery shopping, or even when you’re in the shower! I know that last one sounds silly, but it’s not a bad example! Imagine this: You’re in a different world. It’s the perfect place for you. It’s your happy place. Imagine it like you’re using one of those virtual reality simulators. Do you feel nice and gleeful? If you do, that’s how a lot of people can feel at home. Home is filled with happy memories. When I’m at home and I feel good, I imagine that I’m in a world in the sky (I don’t mean heaven) and I am on a cloud, and everything's calm and peaceful; And I have a book. (preferably The Penderwicks). So I guess that pretty much explains it: Home isn’t your house. It is where you feel happy.


4 Année

Etobicoke, Ontario

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