Why A Home Is Important For Me

Why A Home Is Important For Me Zohan Muntasaf Everything has a home. Even non living things have a home,like pencils. The sense of belonging is universal.Homes are important for us and others to live without worrying .My home has just me and my parents, nothing else and it's very valuable to me. First, homes are safe places for us kids. They can protect you from dangers and strangers. What if we worry about where to sleep, eat, live and care? That's why homes give you a sense of security and safety. Second, family and love are very important. The love you get from your family is the greatest thing alive you’ll get. Even if it seems your parents can get mad, they love you. Your home has your parents and their love. Finally, you learn better and grow older in your home, which is a healthy environment. When we feel comfortable in our home, we can learn better and grow older into knowledgeable adults. Being knowledgeable adults helps us know information that we don't know right now. I like all the books, toys, computers, and video games that my parents give me. I can read, play, and travel to learn and grow. To sum up, a home is important to all mankind, rich or poor, young or old, a home is the most valuable thing. Homes are important for all mankind and animals.I hope everybody has a place to call home.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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