My Old House

Woohoo!!! EGG HUNT!!! My cousins and siblings yelled. They were all really excited. It was Easter after all. What would you expect from little kids? As for me, I wasn't. Want to know why? Well let me tell you the story about my old house. My family and I lived in a beautiful house in the country, until one day my dad got a job in the city. He announced that we were moving. My whole family was excited, but I wasn't. “But what about my glorious room!?” I yelled. “You'll have a new room, even more glorious.” my dad said. “Who wants to get a new room when you already have a perfectly good one?” One day at breakfast I had the courage to announce my disapproval. “Dad I don't want to move and you're not going to make me,” I said promptly. “Mmhmm,” he said. As I remembered he never listened. I stomped upstairs to my room, annoyed, I heard him say “oh yes you will!” Weeks went by and moving day came. I said a quick good-bye to my empty room and reluctantly got into the car, watching sadly as the last of the boxes were loaded up. The drive to the city was long and boring. We pulled up to our new house and the only one who knew what to say was my little brother. “We're home!” “We're not home,” I said. “We're just at our house.” We moved in and I got a new room, a new school and new friends. Everything was new. A couple weeks went by and here we are now. “Audrey time for the egg hunt!” “You know what Charlie, you're right.” “I am?” “Our house is more than a house. It's a home. Now let's go find some eggs.”


4 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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