A new home

There I was in BC standing on the sandy beach.Not knowing what sort of silence my house felt suddenly “QACK” oh come on I was having a moment of silence I shout,thinking about my house made me sad I wasn't sure why.I go to talk to my mom.”Mom do you ever think about the house” I ask,”sometimes sweety why” she said “because I do I feel sad” “its okay ” I feel like my house is apart of me.Don’t get me wrong I love BC and its sand but I like my house 4 hours later going back to our house there it is I entered its empty and I don’t sleep and I can't dream at all I wake up its the morning and I go downstairs for breakfast all we have are cherries and a box of cereal and it has no sugar but then dad says some really good news were moving to a new house I jump with glee with my sister we bounce up and down up and down we might make some new memories and maybe just maybe I will remember my old memories.I go to pack up some of my stuff for tomorrow I pack up some of my clothes. The next day mom goes to to by groceries for supper we go to the new housefor supper we have poutine my favorite. Then they took us skating dad fell I think he’s okay because he’s laughing me,mom and payton started laughing to. We went home and I put my sheet on my bed I was really tired so I went to bed I fell asleep easy and I had dream now I really know what a house and a home feels like.


4 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi