My Home

My home is my home. I live there with my family. No one can take that from me, no matter what. Even though other people used to live there, it’s my house now. I live here with my family, and I love it here. All I ever needed is here. My family and my pets mean everything to me. I love them so much! My family is important to me because they love me, and I love them. No matter what happens I will always love them. Here in my home, one of my favourite rooms in my house, is my room. My bedroom is my room only. Even though my Dad owns the house. It is still my house.THis specific room is special to me. Why? Because I am safe in my bedroom. Its where I spend most of my time in the house. Its just my safe place, it means alot to me. No one will take it away from me. I can cuddle up into my bed and fall asleep. Here at my house we have many pets as in a Guinea Pig, Gecko, Dog, Fish, and a Cat. I love them all. When I come home from school or basketball and I might be sad, my dogs are always there for me. Or when I just want to snuggle and pet them, while I watch a show its always good comfort. THis shows how much I love my home. MY family, my room and my pets are here. This is my home it has all the essentials I need and want. My home is my home.


6 Année

OKotoks, Alberta

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