My Home is Family
Home is seeing my family smiling in the living room.
Home is tasting my moms amazing meals every day.
Home is hugging my mom and dad every morning.
Home is where I go if I feel sad or hurt.
Home is where I feel safe with all my heart.
Home is where my family loves me with pride and joy.
Home is hearing my family laugh and it makes my house a home.
Home is where I feel my nice, cozy, warm bed every night.
Home is where my mom says good night.
Home is where I smell my mom's amazing food when I get out of my nice, cozy, warm bed.
A house is a quiet place with no family. A house is just a building. A house feels like you're ALONE. A house has stairs but a home has love. A house is just a house until you put a family in it. A house has a table but a home has family around it. A home is a place that EVERYONE should have!
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