A House and A Home

A House is a structure and is not like an apartment, a condo, a bungalow and hotel while a home could be an apartment, a condo, a bungalow and hotel. A House costs money while a home is free. A House is plain like no pictures, no TV, no food or water and no furniture while a home has TV, Food, Water and Furniture. A house is a structure but a home is where you live. A House is a place where it has some floors while a home is where you laugh and build memories. A House is a structure with a ceiling but a home is a shelter. A House is freshly built but a home is where you stay in a shelter. A House is where you have no internet but a home is where you have wifi and internet and communication. A House is a structure with a roof while a home is a place you're never alone. A house is a place where you look at but a home always gives you company. A house is made out of cement, concrete and Bricks an wood while a home is where you're always happy. A house is where it’s quiet and dark and patched while a home is always lit up and cool. A house is a place you stay for ten years but a home is where you always stay. A house is where you watch but at home you can watch television. A house is where you select your place but a home is where you laugh. A house is a structure full of nothing while a home is full of valuables. A house has no patching work while a home has patching work. A house is made of bricks while a home could be made of wood.


4 Année

Elora, Ontario

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