What Home Means for Me

When I think of home I think of my family and friends and the birds chirping in the forest. When I think of home I think about my life and how much it means to me that I am alive and that I am happy that I am able to be with my family in my own home without any of my family and friends my life would be much harder than it is right now. I am lucky enough to have a good home with my family. When I think of home I think of a forest in my backyard the sound of the Running Water. I think of how much it means to me that I am surrounded by the world, and I am not alone in my heart. I am so grateful for the warmth of my home and the shelter that it has provided me many years. I will always remember how much I love my family and my life. It means so much to me that I can still hear the sound of the singing in my head and the smell of spice in the air. When I think of home I think about my own room and my family and how much it means to me that I am alive today. And that I am happy and healthy because of all of the people around me who have made my life so much easier for me. Home is not just a feeling but a place where you belong. Whenever I think about home I feel like I am happy, I think about my home I think about how my home has been so helpful to me and when I am mad I have to go to can go to my room.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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