Home is always with me

Some people believe that there are no differences between a house and a home but they've got it wrong.There are big differences. So in this piece of writing I'll describe as much as I can,because a home has so many attributes that I may not have but that's okay I'll write what I know.Lets begin! A home is my solid foundation . Stronger than everything,I'll take it with me everywhere I go. A home is where I'm being raised,where I played with friends, laughed with family, and where I got mad because I couldn't figure out my homework.Home for me is my experiences. The one that changed me and made me , me.When home is put into human form it's called family. A home is an environment. For me it was Nigeria, where I could walk outside and not feel different, where I could bring traditional food to school and not be asked questions about it , Where I could talk and my accent wouldn't be "weird". But now my home is Canada, Nigeria, or wherever I feel like I belong. This is my perspective of home. I moved into a completely different environment and never forgot that part of me, neither should you. Thank you habitat for humanity for opening my eyes and making me see how privileged I am to have both a house and a home, and thank you for building houses for people so they can at least have a chance at building a home


6 Année

Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse

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