What Home Means to Me

A home is feeling safe . A home has laughter going around as fast as light. A true home has chaos spreading rapidly. A real home has getting mad, then fighting, but then making up. Home is going in the backyard and having a bonfire. A fun home has my dog jumping on me, running with me, doing lots of tricks, and then more running. Though after, she will fall asleep on me or lay on me. A proper home has falling, crying, getting a band-aid, and then acting like nothing ever happened. A home has smelling fresh flowers that grew in your backyard before your dog rips it. A home has your family singing “Happy Birthday” as loud as a volcano erupting. An amazing home has your family embarrassing you in front of your friends. A home has you trying your best to make your parents’ favourite food and watching them eat it as you wait for their feedback. One of my favourite things about my home is when my dad comes back from work and I run as fast as I can and jump into his arms as he twirls me. I'll always remember making new memories and looking back at old ones. After an uncontrollably good or bad day jumping on your soft, warm bed, and getting tucked in feels excellent. Overall, the best home has lots of love and laughter.


5 Année

Stoney Creek (Hamilton), Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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