House vs Home

Do you think a house and a home are the same thing? Well you're completely wrong, here are multiple reasons why a house and a home are different. A home is a safe place. Home is where you and your family belong. I think there's a big difference between house and home.A home can be anywhere. A home is a safe place because home is like your best friend that will protect you. For me when I come home I feel safe by my pet dogs because they are the first thing I see when I come in. A home has a roof,walls,doors, so that will keep a home safe and comfortable. A safe home is protected by your family and loved by your pets,as well as your friends. A home doesn't need to be a house. A home is always unique to you but a house is just a container. Home is a very important part of life where a house is not really an important part of life. My home is more than a house because it has more memories and happiness. A home can be anywhere. A home is where you feel comfortable and belong. Homes can be where you feel like home. Houses are not really where you feel accepted. A house cannot be what you think is a home. Do you still think house and home are the same thing? A home is where people can make memories and love, a house can be easily forgotten. A house may be able to keep you physically safe but a home is a safe place for your family to make memories.


6 Année

Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse

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