What Home Means To Me

A home is not just where you live or where you stay or even where you have materialistic things. Some people think the only important things in life are toys, stuffed animals, money, or big houses! Those things aren't important at all. What is important is the people in your home! A home is where you have a place to sleep at night having fresh food for breakfast, lunch and dinner! With a roof over your head and people that love you! Some families and others don't even have a home! Or their home is in unsafe living conditions. People act like it doesn't matter but it REALLY does! A lot of families don’t have a home to stay in. So don’t be ungrateful or unkind because that could be you someday. Something everyone should remember is that no matter where you are or where you live you will always have someone that cares about you and loves you for yourself! A home is not just something that has four walls and a roof. It is where you make memories with loved ones and friends and cherish them! All you need in life to succeed is a person in your home that believes in you no matter what. Even if you get in a fight and you're mad at each other they still know you're going to do great on whatever you're trying to accomplish! I think that people sometimes need to understand that even if you don't have something you want that is okay! It’s a want not a need and there's no worth in buying stuff to put in your home that won't make a difference because you will still have love and love is all you need in life!


5 Année

Burlington, Ontario

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