
Lily:What time is it oh my gosh i'm gonna be late she said Mom:Sweetie you're not late your actually early she said Lily:Wait then why did my alarm clock had the time 7;30 Mom:Cause your alarm clock time is wrong but why don't you get ready early and then relax until you go Lily:Ok,but mom why did i see dad taking out luggages Mom:Uh were just cleaning the basement Lily:Ok well i think the bus is here,hey Anna Anna:Oh my gosh Lily i haven’t seen you since summer Lily:Hey uh can i tell you something Anna: of course you can tell me anything i'm you bff Lily:So the weirdest thing happened to me this morning my dad was taking out the luggage and my mom told me that he was cleaning the basement And my dad hates cleaning but i have a feeling we're gonna move Anna:Well maybe there trying to clean the house or your getting a new house Bus driver:Everyone give me a straight line if you want to get out Lily:looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed as me and Anna laughed Anna:But are actually sure that your gonna move Lily:Yea i think plus my mom said she has a surprise for me Anna:Well we better hurry we don't want Mr:Smith to be angry we don't want another teacher to be mad we walked to class as we giggled Lily: Yes its math i love math Anna:Me too,im almost done my worksheet Lily:i don't understand it can i copy yours Anna:Of course but get 1 or 2 wrong so she doesn't get suspicious Lily:Ok in recess lets play on the monkey bars,ok anna said Lunch Lady:Mhh Yes i will sent her then,Lily thompson your going home Lily:Wait but i don't have anything important or appointments today guess i'm going well i better go grab my stuff Mom:Hey sweetie how was school Lily:It was good but why did you pick me up early Mom:Cause something were gonna show you is really important looks like were back home Dad:Ok lily what we're gonna tell you is gonna change your life Mom:So your dad got a new job Lily:Ok that's good Mom:but the thing is his new job is in los vegasLily:Wait what no i can't move this my home i've spent my whole life here im not throwing it away to start a new one as she ran away as she slammed her door Dad:Lily as he shouts come back here Mom:She will change her mind Dad:I just wish she was happy i mean we support her Lily:Calls Anna,Anna you won’t believe what happened so my parents are making me move to los vegas Anna:Wait what no im not letting that happen wait i have an idea what if i ask my sister Sabrina if she can drop you off to my house Lily:Do you mean your sister who brought pizza for everyone at school Anna:Yep that's her one sec let me tell her the address Be house Lily:Ok,thank you so much Anna Anna:she's comin at 5:30 tell your parents your going to your friends homing in 10 minutes be ready Lily:Ok,mom can i go to Anna's house please Mom:Fine but be home by 8:00 Lily:Ok,Calls Sabrina hey when are you coming Sabrina: Sorry i'm running a little bit late Lily:it's fine,Mom my friends sister is dropping me off Mom:Ok Can i meet her Lily:Uh not today as she quickly went outside Anna:Hey lily so you wanna watch a movie Lily:Of course i want to Lily:Oh my gosh it's already 10:00 Mom:Where is she ,calls lily she not answering Dad:I am gonna look at Anna's house i mean Anna is her best friend Lily:wait is that my dad’s car Ms Miller:Lily your dads here oh no lily whispered Dad:Lily you got some explaining to do when you get home trying to hide his anger so explain yourself Lily:Ok so i told Ana that i was moving away and then she got an idea of me sneaking to her house with her older sister sabrina driving me there and that's how i went to her house and we thought that you wouldn't notice for 2 days so then we were waiting after you guys left and i would've stayed with aunt Emma's house Dad:And who would’ve dropped you off at Aunt Emmas. LIly:Uh i think Ms Miller Anna’s mom Dad:LILY YOU'RE GROUNDED UNTIL WE LEAVE TO LOS VEGAS! Lily:I HATE YOU!Lily screamed as she runs to her room trying to cover her sadness . Mom: Lily you haven’t eaten for a while are you ok . Lily:NO OF COURSE NOT I'M MOVING AWAY WHY WOULD I BE OK I WILL HAVE NO FRIEND NO NOTHING AND MAYBE FORGET MY CHILDHOOD HERE THIS MY HOME Lily screamed! Mom:ok,then. Mom:Lily starts packing ok groaned lily let's go your dad's waiting to leave for the airport . Anna:Hey lily so you Dad:hurry we're gonna miss our flight. Lily:dad are we moving here forever. Dad:Only if my job is good. Lily:ok I'm sorry dad. Dad:Me too then lily said but I'm not gonna enjoy well your grow to enjoy it dad said.home means your comfy zone and your free to do what you want to do and your not afraid of and when your not home you feel unwelcomed and un comfortable .


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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