Home and House
A house doesn't only have 4 walls and a cealing, no it has more than that it has all your belongings like a table, a chair and more. A home is a place where we have lots of feelings like sadness, happiness, love, joy, family and more!
We go to a house and we live in a house. No matter what, a home is always sourended by love.
Now matter what, a house doesn't only have three walls .Home and house are not the same, even though they look the same .
We don't live in a house ,we live in a home. We don't go to a home, we go to a house.
Habitat of humanity is helping people without any home. I wanted to help so I joined this contest.
The word home means where you live and where you belong .
At home I feel really comfortable and relaxed!
Habitat of humanity I hope you help more people ,and thank you so much for helping the people without any home!
A place where you get protected from snow, rain, thunderstorms and more is called a house.A home is a place where love is protected .
Thank you so much for helping people habitat of humanity .
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