The Meaning of Home

Home. We all hear that word a lot. Well, home isn't just a place to go or a word on paper, it's a place where love can be created and memories can be made. Home IS the saying “Home is where the heart is”. Home is life. It's the time I found a bag of buttons that moved to my new house with us. It's the dimes I find all around my house since my Nan died. It's the time I caught my first fish. When I think of home I think of the black spruce trees I saw when I drove to Labrador or the Colon Cancer ribbon. I think of that night at Charli's. I think of the time my mom and dad told me we were moving, my old small room. I think of my dad and how I sing with him, how I play his guitar. Houses come in many different packages. Earlier this week I was thinking about things that represent home and it got me thinking, you don't say house made, or house Sweet house. It just doesn't sound right. You might be thinking what's the difference. Easy answer: a house is a place and a home is a feeling, it sticks with you. I asked my mom if she thought that Labrador was her home or if our house now is her home. She said “A little bit of both” and that “All that matters is that you're proud of who you are and where you're from”. My name is Sadie Stead and I am proud of who I am and where I came from.


5 Année

Enfield, Nouvelle-Écosse

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