The Meaning of Home

A house has bricks, a bed, lights and a stove. But a house has love, memories, happiness, safety and emotions. Love is the most important because that's what fills the air around your home. Memories are not just what happens outside of your home. Without happiness in your home it would be a house. Happiness also can create memories and friendships and even love. Safety if you don't have safety in your home then it wouldn't be considered a home. If your home is not safe then tell someone that you trust ore habitat for humanity. Same thing with the other thing. Lastly, emotions.emotions are love, memories,happiness, safety, and emotions. When you say emotions you mean all of those things and without emotions in your home it would be a house. And that is my meaning of home.


5 Année

Cornwall, Île-du-Prince-Édouard

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