Wesley’s Home

My home is important to me because my family and stuff are there. Why is your home important to you? The first reason my home is important to me is that I can relax there after school and play video games. Secondly I can also watch t.v. on the couch or play board games with family and friends.The last reason my home is important to me is because I have food that I can eat while watching t.v. after school. That is how I relax after school. There are some other reasons why my home is important to me.One of the reasons is that my bedroom is there and that means my bed and my bed is where I sleep.Secondly it is also very nice to sleep in because of the blankets , pillows , and stuffies it is almost better than the couch.the last reason my bedroom is important to me is that I can have a brake from my family.Those are some of the reasons my home is important to me. The last of the reasons why my home is important is that all of my stuff is there.The first reason is that my stuff like nerf guns so I can ambush my sister and mom. Secondly, my basketball net is very fun to play with friends and family.Lastly and most important money so I can buy more stuff like phones and books. Those are the reasons why my home are important all the reasons why my home is important to me.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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