Feel Right at Home
Home can be love, family or even your dog! Well for me, it would be my family and I’ll tell you why.
The first thing is when my dad makes me laugh when I’m up side down and when my mom gives me the biggest hugs. It just makes me feel right at home!
When I’m stuck or need help on my homework my big sister would be there for me. Elouise, my youngest sister has the biggest smile in the whole world! It just makes me feel right at home!
I love when my family encourages me to do scary things like I was scared to jump off of the end of the dock or when I was too scared to go down stairs by myself.
I love when my grandma and my grandpa comes to see us and gives us a hug no matter what. I love my family it just feels so nice! I feel like me when I feel right at home!
I cuddle in a blanket watching my favourite show with my family is sitting around me on the couch watching the movie with me, but the most thing of all, is when I come home and see my whole family there. That makes me feel right at home!
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