The King who Lost HIs Kingdom
Once upon a time there was a very handsome king named King Xander, he wanted to go on a ride in the forest outside of the castle on his most loyal horse named Honey. Right before he went on the ride one of his solers named, Marcus stopped him.
“Your majesty” he said in a soft voice. “You can't go outside of the forest all alone. I better get some of the other solders to come with you”.
“No thank you. I would like to go alone but thank you for your consideration”. And off to the forest he went. Past the river past the villagers, past the border and finally into the forest. He had a wonderful time while Honey ate some food, and then suddenly, BOOM! Thunder struck and it started pouring down rain! The king gathered his stuff and hopped on his horse. “Go Honey GO!” yelled the king. Honey ran at the speed of light! BOOM! Honey, terrified, threw king Xander off his back and ran off. “Honey!” screamed the King. The next day the king, still in the forest losing hope, wakes up from a horrible sleep in a tent he packed. The king thinks “what if no one finds me, or worse no even realizes that I'm gone!” His thoughts are interrupted by a rusting sound. “Hello?” He asks, “is anyone there?” pop! Oh... it’s just a bunny.
Back at the castle everyone is looking for the king. “Keep looking everyone!” Yells Marcus, “Don't stop no matter what!” 3 days pass and no one has found the king yet. Back in the forest the king says to himself “Am I homeless now?” A week passed and still no one finds him. But then suddenly back at the castle Honey comes running back! Neigh!!! Yahhh! screams Marcus. “Honey? Honey!” “Everyone Its Honey! It's Honey... Where's the king?!”
Back in the forest 3 weeks have passed. The king is wet and cold and must survive with only a small pocketknife, a tent and a blanket. 2 months pass and the king is wet cold scared tired hungry and stinky. He has grown a beard now and a mustache and uses it to dry off his clothes. Suddenly he hears galloping and running and screaming! The king runs into the tent and then the galloping stops the running stops and the screaming stops. He waits 10 seconds and then crawls out. “Marcus?” “King Xander?” “MARCUS!” “KIND XANDER!” let's get you back to the castle safe and sound.
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