A Home, And A House

Last bit of the day The bell rings And school is set astray To home we go! Yells a boy The bus drive is long But it nears a house- no, a home! Open the door, go along Into a room of memories When home is near Don’t worry There is no need to fear For home is a safe place: Cozy and Warm When your stomach is empty It will be filled With love and food a plenty Don’t forget a side of jokes and laughter. The couches and the chairs The stains and the spills The toys and the bears Fill a house to the brim Kindness and love Forgiveness and caring Don’t shout or shove For neither has room in a home When a house is built of floors and walls Those walls will stay for long A house is fine but a home calls A home is ever growing I have a home to share my feelings with And a house to learn and grow in I really feel I have it all I have a house, A home a family My house is where I eat and sleep My home is where I love and care My family is always there In the middle, the center, the air My family is always there


6 Année

Guelph, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi