The Joys of Home
When I open the door to my home, I see a condo suite with cream-coloured walls and a decorative frieze. A stucco ceiling gives me a sense of security from the outdoors, while the soft carpet beneath my feet welcomes me with all the colours of the rainbow. An armchair sits in a pleasant corner of the living room, and on my left is a tunnel-like hallway leading to my cozy room. The window is a portal to the beautiful snow-covered ground, while my family envelopes me in a warm hug. My grandmother saunters over to the kitchen, from which wafts the smell of my favourite dishes. Freshly washed laundry rests on a shelf, waiting to be folded. A home is a warm place, a shelter, a place to retreat when the world is just too much. It is a place to feel safe, a den to store memories, a warm nest full with people you love. A home should be filled with sounds, colours, love, and comfort. It is not just a house, or even a place, but an idea that everyone deserves a roof over their head.
Although many of us are lucky enough to have a loving home, some do not have the same fortune. They may not be able to afford a home, or their home was destroyed. Some have to shiver under thin blankets in a cardboard box, faring their way through every day with minimal food and water. Others do have a home and basic necessities, but the people they live with are abusive or neglectful. They’ll live their lives without feeling much of the comfort, contentment, and love that a home should provide. It is unfortunate that homelessness, especially near large cities, is so widespread.
Everybody deserves a home.
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