Meaning of Home
My home is a place where I feel loved.
My home is a place where I feel happy.
My home is a place where I feel safe.
In my home I feel very loved happy and safe because
I have my family in it. They are the best people in the
Wolde. I can’t imagine my life without them. To me
My family isn’t just three people I see every day
They Are the people I make so many loving
Memories With. I love my family sooooo much.
The two people that make my house feel like a
Home is my parent’s recently I have been very
Thankful for them in october my dad had a
Heart attack and my mom came to the rescue
It has been a bit since then and every day it
Stil runs across my mind I was very grateful
For my mom in that situation. I love my
Perean’s soooo much
Every person who is writing this is writing it from
A happy/joyful side of their home but not every
Person has a happy and joyful home some
People don’t have a home. That makes me sad
Because everyone deserves a great home.
Where thea feel very loved, happy and safe
To me the meaning of home as I manchind
Is love, happiness,Laughter and the joy of your family. It is the Best feeling in the world to have a loving home.And the happiness of your family in it.
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