How Home Feels

Home. Home is not just a place, but a feeling some of us don’t get to experience. Some might think that the word “home” means a shelter we live in. Though this is true, “home” means so much more. From the aroma of food tingling in the air to the feeling of comfort, home is something all of us should appreciate. Most of us take our homes for granted, and we shouldn’t. Think about those people who don’t have a place to call home or people who can’t lean on a trusted adult at any moment. Home is so much more than we could ever imagine. Home is a place where we feel loved and cared for all the time. Even in the middle of the night. Home is a shield and a place to hide from the storms of critical people. It is a place to relax and feel comfortable. A place of warmth and love given to you from your family. Home is the sound of chaos running through the air. It gives us privacy and lets us pour out all of our emotions after a long day. Home is like a person who doesn't care about what you do or what you decide to wear. In my home, I feel as protected as a kid clinging onto their mother. Just a mere shelter is nothing compared to the sounds of chaos and the feeling of peace of home. Home is anything and everything one could ever dream of.


5 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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