A Home Is A Home Not A House
A home is a place where u spend time with your family and enjoy the love of family. A home is a place where u feel your soft cozy bed and lay down with whoever shares a. Room with you home is where you. My home makes you feel calm, happy, nice, and loved. My home makes me feel special people might think it's just a regular home but for me it's Special and better and it makes me loved my has pictures of memories when i was small. My home is a special place what I see my parents cooking and baking cookies I smelled of Good cookies that are ready to eat in my tummy a home is just a home but it's special to Me a house is a dirty place no one should have no one to call a home a house.my home is so special to me when eat snacks with my parents. I love my parents, and they love me too Thats why my home is special the end.
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