The Meaning of Home
Home is a place where I can spend time with my family. A place where I can feel safe and be joyful, feel like I can spend time by myself or see my family. It is a place to be thankful and somewhere that I can be in and just relax and have fun playing with my sister and get hugs from the people I love. Home is somewhere I can make food for someone that means something to me. Home is a place where I can be me and connect with one another and I can get to eat something that my mom or dad makes for me when I come home. I feel cozy and warm in my home. When I go to bed I can feel my stuffies brushing on my side and then I go to sleep. I feel my cozy bed and a pillow that I can feel on my head. Home is a place where I can feel my pets by my side. I know that I can have a fantastic time at my home and see my neighbour outside. I love my home because I have a family that loves me and a roof over my head. In my home I feel loved. It is where I live with my sister, my mom, my dad and my pets. I can play with my sister in a place that we call our secret hideout. It is a place where I can play. It has a chair so we can think. But I think the thing that is the most awesome is the people I share it with. In the winter my sister, my dad and I make something that is called a quinzee. And that is what home means to me.