I am home
Home is not a thing or a place home is how you feel after you had a bad day. Once you step in it all goes away. My tear drops drip down my face while my mom tells me it is all going to be ok.
I know I am home.
Even when we are 1,000 kilometers away. As long as I have my family by my side it is all going to be ok.
I know I am home.
Home is not a place, it’s where stories are made. I could live in a mansion, a tiny house or even a tent, but
I know I am home.
Time by time as the clock goes by, us anticipating. Our Parents arrive. We sprint to the door with our arms open wide.They say how was your day? We say great.
Я вдома Ukrainian
Jeg er hjemme Norwegian
我到家了 Chinese
Jestem w domu Polish
Je suis à la maison French
I am home English.
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