Home Is...
Home for me is a place where you can relax under the covers, on a safe, soft bed in your own room. Home is a place to be with family, even if they are bossy sometimes, they’re still your family and deep down you love them.
Home is having friends over and chatting, creating new ideas and catching up on things. Friends are people who can comfort you, and also play games with you. They can binge watch animated and non-animated shows with you. But it’s always sad when they have to go.
Home is doing chores. Sometimes they can be boring and a waste of time, but it always has to be done. It makes you proud when you look around and see it all clean and sparkly. Plus, when you’re done with the chores you can have fun!
Home is privacy. Even when you have a fun day with friends, it’s nice to go home and just relax alone for a bit!
In conclusion, home is a place to have fun, or just relax and be with family and friends.