Home Sweet Home!
Home sweet home!
Home isn’t just a place to sleep and have a roof over you for when it rains, it's a place you’ll have forever.To me my home is a loving place you'll never forget.
Home is a never forgetting place. For me saying goodbye to a home is like saying goodbye to a friend you loved. Some people say goodbye to many homes. It's not fair to have been in three different homes and then you half to say goodbye to all of them. I feel like everyone should have a permanent home or two permanent homes. Even if you don’t have a house your home should be loving.
Some people don’t have a home, just a place to sleep and eat. Some people's homes don’t have walls or they live in a garage that they call home. A home doesn’t have to have walls. A home can be anywhere, you just have to call it home.
For some people home is a loving place, but not all feel that way. Some homes are not safe or loving and definitely not welcoming. To me my home is welcoming, loving and very safe. Some people feel like they need to run away from their home. So now their home is a house they used to live in. A home should never feel like a house. You should never feel like you have to run and hide. You should feel safe and like you belong there, if you are not safe or cared about at your home you should tell someone. And it’s not fair for those who didn’t or don’t feel that way.
Everyone should be able to have a home, kids, adults, even elderly. It doesn't matter if it's in a house or not.
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