More than a shelter

A home to me is not just four walls, a roof and a bed but is a place where laughter, love and a sense of warmth is. A house to me is a place where I feel lonely, cold and sad because to me the main reason why I think there's a difference between a home and a house is if you're in a relationship or you have a family to fill you with laughter and love. When you look at a tree, what do you think? Do you think they have friends, emotions or maybe even homework? When I look at a tree I think of how it feels. Everyday they get cut down and built into something like a house, building or maybe even put in a fireplace but they mainly get built into houses which makes me kind of disappointed at the world. Have you ever faced a fear or overcame a challenge well for me I've faced a lot of my fears and overcame a bunch of challenges in my home. I'm calling it a home because I have a family that loves me. Now the reason I've overcame a lot of fears is because I have a family to support, love and help me through my frights. To me all these reasons are my life, they have helped me grow up like facing challenges and being loved but to me all of this to me is just what I think the difference is between a house and a home is.


6 Année

Kelowna, Colombie-Britannique

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