A Home is More Than a House
A house is four walls with no memories
A home is a place with four walls but with memories and, treasuries
A house is a just a place on a block like any other house on a block
A home is a place that could have something on the front walkway like chalk
A house is a simple place waiting for a awesome family making it a home
A house is a place with no type or kind of a home nome
A home has people, your familys where you can be yourself without any type of act
A home is wonderful place where you can relax maybe even have slouched back
A house is a place where if you have a bad day you don't know where to go where your special spot is
A home is a place where if you have a bad day you can come back to your home and know where your spot is without taking any kind of quiz
A house is a place with nothing no love nothing, no one to love have someone to hold you all to fell in the room is discomfort
A house is a place where you can’t come home from a bad day and fell the kind loving feeling of a home or anything like that like the best feeling of comfort
A house is a place when after any sport practice it can feel like your still working your body and your mind
Where as a home you can come back from your sport and feel safe and cozy unwind
A house is a place where you can’t feel free to be yourself feel like you personality has limits
A home is a place where you feel like you have no personality and feel spontaneous
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