The Meaning of Home

A home is not just a roof and 4 walls, it is somewhere where I can be happy with my sister, dad, and mom. A home is a place that is cozy and warm, where I can be safe from the outdoor storm. A home is a place that is always alive, it´s a place where you can live and try. A home is a place where memories begin, hiding forever somewhere within. At home I hear whispers after I go to bed, coming from the basement, from my mom and my dad. A home is somewhere I don't have to worry, or hurry and scurry about in a flurry. At home I can practically smell the frustration and anger, after a big fight with my sister. At home I know I can just be myself, I don't have to pretend I am someone else. The smell of my mothers delicious baking fills the house, so anyone could smell it, even a mouse. I hear my sister brushing her teeth in the bathroom late at night, I can’t wait for her to turn out the light. In my bedroom I hear the soft sounds of my mom and dad, late at night getting ready for bed. A home can be quiet, a home can be loud, a home is a place where you can be found. A home is more than 4 walls and a roof. It is a place where I can be with my family, happy and safe. The end


5 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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