The Place I Feel Loved

We all have places that we feel home at, are hearts and ourselves feel home, feel the love when you are near or in that place. If you asked me, I would say my heart tracks me to school, where I feel home. I feel connected to my friends. It just feels like they are my siblings, and teachers are parents. I can also learn new things and find my talent, such as subjects, sports, and even make new friends. Most importantly, I feel safe at school. With the fire drills and lockdowns, I feel even more safe. Some people just absolutely hate school because of the homework, tests, and just going to school in general. But some hate school because of the bullies. That is why if I ever saw someone getting bullied, I would do my best to stop the abuse. To see/know that people hate my place where I feel home at, makes me a little sad. School is an amazing place to feel home at, not just the friends and teachers and sport clubs and all of that, it is where your heart guides you, and my heart guides me to a big, beautiful building, where all people from different types of countries in the world go to, a diverse place, school.


5 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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